SONGLIST Here are some titles listed on a compilation tape of 60s love songs that was encountered at Big Al's restaurant on Tran Quang Khai St. (By the way, Big Al's got called that because, until he got his teeth fixed, the manager looked exactly like Alfred E. Newman). In a few worthy cases, the artist is also noted. CLICK HERE for the titles. |
MOTORCYCLE NOMENCLATURE Some interesting names are attached to motorcycles. Here are a few of them, along with one haiku on two wheels. CLICK HERE for the names. |
...and speaking of HAIKUS |
HIDDEN VERSE Few literature lovers would think to look in a Harold Robbins book for artful poetry, but that's exactly where they're wrong. CLICK HERE for the verse cleverly hidden in a passage from Descent from Xanadu. |
TALES FROM MY SECRET LIFE AS AN ENGLISH TEACHER I did it for fifteen years, so I ought to have a something to show for it besides good grammar. CLICK HERE for the anecdotes. [Be prepared to be disappointed.] |
POETRY GOES POSTAL I wouldn't begin to suggest that the headline writers of The New York Post were inadvertent in their word choice, but it's possible poetry wasn't their aim. Poetry, however, was what they achieved. CLICK HERE. |
THE BATTERY OF VENUS vs. THE AMORITE Cptn. William Clark (of "Lewis and..." fame) is known to have been creative in his word choices. CLICK HERE for one of his finer poems. |
BINARY PENTAMETER Stopping by the computer lab on a snowy evening... CLICK HERE for the digital point of view. |
CAVALIER ATTITUDE Like pearls swallowed by swine, poetry can turn up in some unlikely ordure. CLICK HERE for the pearls. |
OTHER LINGUISTIC VARIATIONS Whatever didn't fit in the categories above got stuck here. CLICK HERE for the variations. |
All material on this Website is copyright Bruce Carleton. You may not repost, reprint, or otherwise republish, retransmit or reproduce any material on any of the pages of this Website without express permission of Bruce Carleton. All rights reserved. |