Bruce Carleton, mandarin, points the way.
PUNK #17: Column Heads (Part 1)
I'd like to note here that the interview with Chuck Wepner is real. I recently saw a copy of Punk #17 on eBay (while we're on that, why mess with eBay when you can own your own copy of this artifact with a couple of twitches of your index finger here?). In the description he called it a "spoof." Negative. As for the illustration, I had no idea what Chuck Wepner looked like, so I drew a bunch of faces real small on a piece of toilet paper. John picked the one he said looked most like him and we blew it up. This technique has since been employed by crime investigators with remarkable results.
"c" in circle in glasses on face All material on this Website is copyright Bruce Carleton. You may not repost, reprint, or otherwise republish, retransmit or reproduce any material on any of the pages of this Website without express permission of Bruce Carleton. All rights reserved.