The Von
Lmo Files
I saw Von Lmo perform only once, at Max's in February 1978. It was a memorable evening. Tables were hacked to death, a chainsaw was brandished. [See the interview for Punk Magazine I did with him on Easter Sunday night in 1979 for more details. ] I believe his band was called Red Transistor at the time. Well, he's still hovering out there, darting out from his lair in Coney Island via Planet X now and then for a gig. In fact, I recently received a transmission from his sector in the form of an email, reproduced here verbatim, along with the press release that accompanied it. Work your way through those to some vintage Von Lmo relics below.
EMAIL hello bruce,our on line street team is not sure if you ever recv this latest promotional photo on von lmo's future language band 2005. anyway we found your interview from 1978 on the web and just wanted you to know that we represent and sponsor several von lmo band live gig promotions along with the original founding band member and co producer drummer bobby rryan. we like to know if you want any updates on the von lmo band,we would be glad to send you more promotion if you can list it on your website. their cult classic future language tranceformer lp cd is licensed and issued through munster in madrid spain and cosmic interception and red resistor are still popular cds that are being re discovered by a whole new generation of die hard no wave rock n roll listeners that want to know more about von lmo and the band. if you can update your site with any von lmo band promotion let us know how we can help you,as well as send you out several cd copies to put up a review on your site as well if you like ? best regards, expo dream inc ..... please list on your website that any fans can send emails to
PRESS RELEASE von lmo's future language band 2005 wish to thank all their fanbase that came out this year and like so many more of you from the past live gig performances they have been playing in the nyc,nj,philadelphia,boston,chicago,washington east coast booking venues as well as their friends on the west coast & in spain,uk,italy and japan.our summer tristate 'are you ready to advance yourself tour ' kicking it off at nyc's cbgb in may and ended with a rockin show & on the road band after party at the cooper river music & arts festival in south new jersey in aug. in addition they will be looking to re hire a new future language band members for their up coming winter 'cosmic interception tour' for lead guitar,keyboards /synth,2nd saxophone & on stage go go dancers. e mail your photo and resume for a review by von lmo's future language drummer co producer promoter bobby rryan through future language,cosmic interception,red resistor,tranceformer lps/cds are distributed by gemm,music stack,netsounds & licensed through munster in spain madrid. apocalyptic jungle cd printed and released by von lmo. *saxophonist james chance from the contortions appears on records and past live show performances through ze records. shoutouts to guitarist thurston moore and drummer lee renauld from sonic youth for the re release of the 'were not crazy' red transistor recording on the indie estatic peace label.and songs of the naked city compilation record on red star records along with the ramones,blondie,von lmo,richard hell & others. thankyou all! |
PROGRAMME from an ancient Von Lmo concert with a rare biographical entry, visually annotated for your viewing pleasure. [CLICK THE THUMB] |
FLYERS ...a set of four (red version here; blue version not shown) and a set of one, all from my personal collection. [CLICK THE THUMB] |
DRAWING I seem to recall that Von Lmo told me this drawing was made while he was in the hospital recovering from an "accident." I suspect his therapy involved EST and a course of Thorazine. [CLICK THE THUMB] |
SHEET MUSIC The score for A Oro Zok, a Von Lmo opus from ca. 1969. Now you can grab your guitar and play along next time Von is on the radio! [CLICK THE THUMB] |
VON LMO PROMO This is a cereal box offer you won't find anywhere else... GUARANTEED! [CLICK THE THUMB] |